Write a poem about “Mooo-raculous Adventures!”
Enter for a chance to win prizes.
Imagine what cows do on their day off.
Limit the Length: Please limit the length of your poem to 120 words or less. If you are inspired to keep writing, just write a new poem to submit. Enter as many times as you wish.
Prizes: Prizes will be awarded by grade divisions. 1st place $80; 2nd place $60; 3rd place $40; 4th place $20.
Deadline: Entries must be received before midnight on Sunday, March 9, 2025. E-mail your poems to customerservice@longmontdairy.com or mail it prior to March 5, to Longmont Dairy, 920 Coffman St., Longmont, CO 80501.
Include your name, grade, school, home address, and phone number.
Contest Rules
The contest is open to current Longmont Dairy customers and will be divided by grade divisions: K-2nd, 3-5th, and 6-12th grade.
Contestants may enter as many times as they want. Limit the length of the poem to less than 120 words. Each submission must include contestant’s name, grade, school, home address, and phone number.
Each winner will have their poems published in the May Mooo News with their name, school, and grade. Poems published on our website will include poet’s first name, school and grade. All poems that do not win a prize may be posted on our website at our discretion.
Poem submissions become the property of Longmont Dairy Farm, Inc. Your entry of a poem gives your consent to the contest rules.